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A La Carte (5/11)

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A Soldier’s Miracle
CBS News brings an interesting story of a rather unlikely recovery. “Lt. Brian Brennan is a walking, talking miracle. There are no other words for it. One year ago today, he lost both his legs to a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, and now his mother is watching him learn to run all over again…”

Just Begin to Say
Ray Ortlund quoting Martyn Lloyd-Jones: “Would you like to be rid of this spiritual depression? The first thing you have to do is to say farewell now once and forever to your past… . Never look back at your sins again. Say, ‘It is finished, it is covered by the Blood of Christ.’ That is your first step…”

Why Your Baby’s Name Will Sound Like Everyone Else’s
I love articles like this one. “mma was the most popular baby girl name of 2008, the Social Security Administration announced today, supplanting Emily, which had held the slot for the past 12 years. Both names, though, reflect a much deeper and largely unnoticed naming trend, which has played out over decades.”

Babies on Hold
“Baby-making is a business best left to a booming economy. The full impact won’t be known for months, but there are signs the recession has prospective parents putting off plans to start, or expand, their families…”

Deal of the Day: Puritan Paperback Bundle
For one day only, Monergism Books is offering Banner of Truth’s complete Puritan Paperback Bundle (37 books) for 50% off.

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