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A La Carte (5/10)

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Why Won’t God Just Tell Me What To Do? – “That would certainly make things simpler in life, wouldn’t it? Like if there was a blank page at the back of every Bible, and every morning you woke up and there was a personal, hand-tailored message for you from God. Telling you where to eat lunch. Letting you know how to get another job and when it’s going to happen. Informing you of the right choice to make about your relationship.” (HT:Z)

Roasted Peanuts – One of my favorite all-time Peanuts strips. As the commenter says, “There is spite, and there is this.”

Cursive Will Never Die – I found this a rather interesting article. “Cursive writing is in decline, says the New York Times. Should we panic?”

God’s Bankers – A reader forwarded me this article, from The Independent. It discusses how evangelical Christianity is taking a hold of the City of London’s financial institutions.

The Danger of Sitting – Apparently a job that keeps you as static as mine does isn’t a good thing. I’ve been thinking of making a standing desk. This may fast-track me. Probably not.

Zombie Consumers – “Economy watchers looking for a spark of life in the exhausted, debt-ridden American consumer are quick to latch on to any signs of a pulse.” What grabbed me in this article was the point that the economy is coming back to life when personal debt begins to rise again. Haven’t we learned anything?

A Parody – This is a good parody of our cultural obsession with video games. (HT:KD)

As the wicked are hurt by the best things, so the godly are bettered by the worst.

—William Jenkyn

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