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A La Carte (5/10)

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Facebook’s Gone Rogue – This is a good article outlining some growing concerns with Facebook. “Facebook has gone rogue, drunk on founder Mark Zuckerberg’s dreams of world domination. It’s time the rest of the web ecosystem recognizes this and works to replace it with something open and distributed.”

Contemporvant – A satirical video that’s worth watching.

Letting Go and Giving Up – Greg Lucas has another great post about dealing with disability. I know I link every post he writes; I’ll stop linking them all when he stops writing such good stuff!

Flooding in Tennessee – gathered some of the most interesting photos from Nashville and elsewhere in Tennessee.

The 64-Gigabyte Shape of the Future – Michael Gerson on the iPad: “Those of us nostalgic for the book-based culture also will be nostalgic for ink on our fingers, the crinkle of thin pages, paperboys and papergirls and stopping the presses. But there really is no competition. Tablet computing makes a user feel like a maestro or a magician, summoning worlds with a touch. Prospero throws his books into the sea to abandon magic. A million people have done the same to embrace a new kind of magic.”

Who Will Be Tested Next? – Al Mohler on Franklin Graham: “The recent controversy about Franklin Graham is a sign of things to come. The prominent evangelist, son of Billy Graham, is known for his plain-spoken Christian testimony. He is also an internationally known figure as founder and head of Samaritan’s Purse, a highly respected Christian relief agency. He had been scheduled to speak at the Pentagon today for an official National Day of Prayer event. But, just two weeks ago, he was disinvited by Pentagon officials after complaints were made about his statements concerning Islam.”

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