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A La Carte (4/9)

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Missing Missing – R.C. Sproul Jr. has a poignant reflection as he remembers his wife. “She doesn’t sit beside me when I’m alone in the car anymore. She doesn’t look over my shoulder when I am typing and crying alone anymore. Somehow the more time passes, the farther she is gone, not because I am forgetting her, but because I am remembering her. The great heartbreak is that she is now becoming my past, rather than my ever present.”

The Internet Is Ruining Your Brain – Here’s an infographic that takes a rather cursory look at how and why the Internet is ruining your brain. While “ruining” may be too strong a word, there’s no doubt that brains are changing in this new, digital world.

Pixels Are People – And in a world like this one, Nathan Bingham wants to remember that pixels are people. “Pixels are people. The relationships I had via bits and bytes with folks from the US while I lived in Australia were real. Meeting people here in person for the first time wasn’t the beginning of a friendship but the continuation of an already existing one.”

Ten Boom Museum – The Ten Boom Museum website has a really amazing virtual tour. Be sure to listen to the audio at each of the different locations. (HT)

As God’s mercies are new every morning toward his people, so his anger is new every morning against the wicked.

—Matthew Henry

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