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A La Carte (4/9)

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Meet Carlos Contreras
C.J. Mahaney continues his interview series by interviewing Carlos Contreras, who ministers in Juárez, Mexico. “If you are current with the news, you probably know that Juárez has become a violent front line in the war on drugs. Between January 2008 and March 2009, almost 2,000 drug-related murders have taken place in the city as a war rages that involves the drug cartels, local police, and Mexico’s military.”

Risking the Truth
Martin Downes shares Sinclair Ferguson’s Foreword to his new book Risking the Truth. It looks like quite an interesting book!

Audio of Phil Johnson at OBC
“In this session Phil, while rockin’ his team pyro t-shirt under his coat, gave an overview of five major heresies that the church has battled against (Judiaziers, Gnosticisim, Arianism, Pelegianism, and Socinianism).” There is also an interview with Phil.

The Empty Tomb and the Emptied Urn
Russell Moore takes a look at cremation. “While speaking of the Christian belief in the resurrection of the flesh, I called my hearers to reconsider what their funeral plans testified about their hope for the future. I reiterated a position — long-held in the history of the church — that burial, not cremation, best pictures the imagery of death as a sleep from which one is awakened at the last trumpet.”

A Review of Titanic
I just had to share this laugh out loud review of Titanic (scroll down the page about half way and look for bold type). An excerpt: “Anyway, our hero Jack puts Rose on a lifeboat. Of course, being safe is not enough, so she jumps back onto the sinking ship — a prime example of great decision-making. After it goes down, Jack is safe on a door of some sort, but he has to give up his spot to save Rose. Now Rose is on the door, and Jack is stuck in the freezing waters. So in a sense she kills Jack in a slow, frigid, painful way — sort of like the experience I felt while watching this movie.”

The Dark Side of Dubai
A fascinating article on Dubai. “Once the manic burst of building has stopped and the whirlwind has slowed, the secrets of Dubai are slowly seeping out. This is a city built from nothing in just a few wild decades on credit and ecocide, suppression and slavery. Dubai is a living metal metaphor for the neo-liberal globalised world that may be crashing – at last – into history.”

Deal of the Day: Practical Works, Vol 1: The Christian Directory
RHB has this volume by Richard Baxter on sale today for fully 50% off its usual price.

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