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A La Carte (4/8)

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It appears that quite a few of you decided to buy a copy of Written in Tears, the book I reviewed a couple of days ago. Amazon sold out, but you can still buy it at CBD if interested. Or, of course, it’s still available in Kindle and other ebook formats. I’d love to hear from some of you who bought it: Did you enjoy it as much as I did?

Cruciform @ TGC – Cruciform Press will be at Gospel Coalition. Here are details if you want to track us down.

The Next Story – For a limited time Ligonier has put my book on sale for $11.50 which I believe is the lowest price you’ll find right now. You may also want to check out their $5 Friday deals.

Uganda 2011 – Last year I did an interview with Jeff Anderson who began an exciting and unique ministry in Uganda. At the link you can read an update on teaching the book of Colossians to 20,000 people.

The Joy Eternal – The Joy Eternal is a band with a new EP out called A Sweet and Bitter Providence. As you may have surmised, it is based on John Piper’s book of the same title. Here is a video introduction if you’re interested.

Mad Men and the Judgment of God – I enjoyed this article by Russell Moore. Don’t read this as an endorsement of Mad Men since I haven’t watched the show (and, by all accounts, probably shouldn’t).

Flower Power – This is for those of us who dwell in parts of the world that are refusing to warm up.

Moving Romeward – Carl Trueman takes a shot at answering why some of the reasons that evangelicals may convert to Catholicism.

The Magnitude of His Mercy – Here is a trailer for a recent documentary.

[E]very comfort that the saints have in this world is an earnest penny to them of those eternal mercies that the Lord has provided for them.

—Jeremiah Burroughs

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