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A La Carte (4/8)

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Praying for T4G – Kevin DeYoung has a good post on how to pray for the upcoming Together for the Gospel conference.

The Good News We Almost Forgot – While we’re on the subject of DeYoung, Westminster Books is offering a great sale on his new book. I actually wrote an endorsement for the book. Here’s part of what I said: “In Good News We Almost Forget Kevin DeYoung dusts off that old Catechism and proves that it is as relevant today as it was 450 years ago. Its truths are timeless, its encouragement unchanged. I am grateful to Kevin for introducing this venerable document to a new generation of believers. May they find hope and joy in the One it celebrates.”

The Preaching of John MacArthur – Phil Johnson excerpts “a brand-new volume by Hughes Oliphant Old, The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church, Volume 7: Our Own Time, (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010), 551-58. Dr. Old’s series on preaching is a landmark achievement, and this sample is typical of his crisp writing style and careful, objective analysis. If you’re interested in the history of preaching, you will love this series.”

The Burden of Paying – This article discusses how people pay for weddings when the average wedding apparently now costs $28,000. “Couples are relying not only on the kindness of the bride’s parents, who have traditionally borne most of the burden, but also on that of the bridegroom’s parents, along with the couple’s stepparents and even grandparents, aunts and uncles.”

iSix:5 Unpacked – If you’re into Christian rap, you may be interested in this album which is available as a free download. I’m afraid that I am singularly unqualified to judge whether or not it’s good quality!

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