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A La Carte (4/7)

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This is a writing kind of day. I’ve got a blog post to write, plus a couple of magazine articles, plus a couple of assignments for a course I’m taking. Plus a few other things. Caffeine will be my near-constant companion.

Remembering Linsi – A great read: “On 9 February 2011 Dr Robert Stanley Lindsay went to be with the Lord, aged 83. Dr Steve Lee, who served at Kapsowar Hospital, looks back at Dr Lindsay’s service with AIM and the lasting impact of his work.”

Mother’s Day Is Coming – Looking for a great Mother’s Day gift? Check out this Etsy shop, owned and operated by a friend of mine. You can get 15% off your entire order when you spend $40 or more (before shipping). Enter the coupon code “CHALLIES15” during checkout. Offer valid until April 15, 2011.

@ True Woman – I was recently interviewed by Paula Hendricks of True Woman on issues related to technology, and specifically as they pertain to women.

Will Heaven Be Intolerable? – “Christopher Hitchens is battling stage 4 cancer of the oesophagus. ‘And the thing to note about stage 4,’ he observes dryly in a recent interview, ‘is that there is no stage 5.’ As a passionate atheist, he doesn’t believe in an afterlife. Which makes the prospect of death all the more frightening to him:”

Turco – I’m not much of a hockey fan, but I enjoyed this story.

The Ivey Family – A new short film from Deidox.

He is much happier that is always content, though he has ever so little, than he that is always coveting, though he has ever so much.

—Matthew Henry

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