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A La Carte (4/6)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Life With iPad – Do you have what it takes to be an iPad owner? “While the company’s previous offerings in this genre have typically featured Apple Store employees in a neutral space, the iPad videos take us into a model home of an iPad user. It’s a pristine environment, fit for an IKEA showroom, with lots of coffee around. This is how Steve Jobs wants us to use his revolutionary device. Let’s take a tour through Apple’s tour of how an enlightened iPad user lives.”

10 Personal Letters Per Day – This is an interesting article. “The black binder arrived at the White House residence just before 8 p.m., and President Obama took it upstairs to begin his nightly reading. The briefing book was dated Jan. 8, 2010, but it looked like the same package delivered every night, with printouts of speeches, policy recommendations and scheduling notes. Near the back was a purple folder, which Obama often flips to first.”

Disconnecting Distraction – This is a very good article, one I found yesterday while research my book. It discusses distraction and procrastination.

Failure: The Last Taboo? – David Murray asks the question. Between you and me, David’s blog is fast becoming one of my favorite near-daily reads. “Learning to ‘fail well’ is a vital part of Christian ministry. A pastor said to me recently, ‘The first ten years of ministry is all about being broken and stripped!’ I must have had a crash course, because it took me only five years to be broken, stripped, and branded a failure!”

Elder’s Children – Mounce looks at Titus 1:6 to determine if an elder’s children are to be believers or faithful.

Baseball is Back – And you’re not likely to see a prettier defensive play than this one:

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