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A La Carte (4/6)

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Read to Save Your Life
This is the kind of article I like to read: “Well, here is a health alert we can all understand. Researchers at the University of Sussex have determined that the very best way to relieve stress, both physical and mental, is to read a book. Got your attention?”

Making Exhibitions of Ourselves
Carl Truemen offers some good food for thought in this article about the weird, exhibitionist culture we live in.

Derivatives Explained
We hear a lot of talk about derivatives and their impact (and yet-to-come impact) on the economy. This little parable helps explain them, at least to a point. “Heidi is the proprietor of a bar in Detroit. In order to increase sales, she decides to allow her loyal customers – most of whom are unemployed alcoholics – to drink now but pay later. She keeps track of the drinks consumed on a ledger (thereby granting the customers loans).”

Dubai: How Not to Build a City
This is totally random, I know, but I found this article quite interesting. It describes the rise (and potential coming fall) of Dubai. “Its vast wealth notwithstanding, the things that make Dubai liveable are those that happened when the planners weren’t looking. But life will out, even in a city built by oil-fuelled hubris.”

An Article on Ben Zobrist
Tim Ellsworth, writing for Baptist Press, has written a couple of stories on Ben Zobrist who plays professional baseball for the Tampa Bay Rays.

Deal of the Day: Bookends of the Christian Life
Today only, Monergism Books is selling Jerry Bridge’s new book The Bookends of the Christian Life for half off the regular price. It’s a good book and definitely worth that price!

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