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A La Carte (4/5)

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Let Books Be Books – I appreciated this brief article from Douglas Groothuis. “Many books today seem afraid to rely on pure text. They seem to be embarrassed to be what they are: books, that is, orderly collections of words formed into sentences and paragraphs.Too many books are filled with one-sentence paragraphs (usually a sign of poor style and impatience), call-outs that repeat what is in smaller print elsewhere on the page (annoying), stand-alone call-outs with little connection to the flow of the text and which I find disorienting.”

10 Surprising Things About the iPad – OK, so they aren’t really all that surprising. But I’m enjoying reading the early reviews and feedback about the iPad. I still think the lack of easy input is going to prove to be the area where it most demands innovation.

Top 10 Kindle Features – Meanwhile Ray Fowler is professing his love for his Kindle, a device that fares both well and poorly in comparison to the iPad.

Writing a Killer Blog Without Killing Yourself – There is plenty of good counsel to be found in this presentation.

The Missing Link – Once again, scientists are saying they’ve found the missing link between apes and man. This seems to be a recurring headline, showing up every few months. “The new species of hominid, the evolutionary branch of primates that includes humans, is to be revealed when the two-million-year-old skeleton of a child is unveiled this week. Scientists believe the almost-complete fossilised skeleton belonged to a previously-unknown type of early human ancestor that may have been a intermediate stage as ape-men evolved into the first species of advanced humans, Homo habilis.”

Go To Church, Win a Car – Look, I love your enthusiasm and your desire to try new things. But giving away cars as a lure to draw in an audience is just not the way to go. Unless, of course, you measure ministry only by attendance figures.

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