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A La Carte (4/4)

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The Trinity and the Christian Life – The newest edition of the online magazine Credo is intended “to bring our minds back to the beauty, glory, and majesty of our triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

The Bottom Line of Christian Ministry – “In the business world, the bottom line is the last line of a financial statement that shows profit and loss. It is about whether the company is earning or losing money. And, as they say, the bottom line is the bottom line.” H.B. Charles Jr. looks for the bottom line of Christian ministry.

Keller’s Peace with the Wrath of God – “In a sermon titled ‘The Dark Garden,’ Tim Keller explains how he came to understand that a god without wrath and Hell is not as loving as the God we find in the Bible.” It’s well worth reading.

Envy and the YRR – Joe Rigney has a well-timed word for the New Calvinist crowd. “Envy is a movement killer. And if you ask me, it is probably the fundamental danger facing the modest movement called Young, Restless Reformed (YRR) in the years ahead.”

Health-Food Heresy – “Have you ever thought that as you’re eating pesticide-free, chemical-free, dye-free, calorie-free, fat-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, or carb-free, you may also be eating Jesus-free?” It’s worth thinking about.

The Children’s Bible Market – This blog post rounds up and rates some of the children’s Bibles out there.

Watch Me! – “Using audio from Don Carson, this short video challenges us from the Bible how we must be sharing our lives, opening up the Bible and changing generations as we point them to Jesus.”

The greatest charity in the world is the communication of divine truth to the ignorant.

—Alexander Maclaren

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