Suffering Is a Gift – I found this excellent article both encouraging and challenging. “In the last number of years, especially as a Christian, even though I ‘knew’ in the back of my mind that none of us is guaranteed a long life, I didn’t think much about dying young. But, when I was diagnosed with Acute Leukemia in December, it only took a day for me to accept that very real possibility.”
On Writing a Book on Lin – Ted Kluck reflects on writing a book about Jeremy Lin (Do you remember Jeremy Lin?).
Racism and George Zimmerman – Thomas Sowell brings out some important points here. “An amazing proportion of the media has given us a painful demonstration of the thinking — and lack of thinking — that prevailed back in the days of the old Jim Crow South, where complexion counted more than facts in determining how people were treated.”
On Watching Bad Movies – I’m glad that there are people out there who watch movies and tell us which ones the rest of us shouldn’t see. One of those people writes about how he can do this.
Nature – There is some amazing nature photography on display in this gallery.
Whither the Seminary Model – There are interesting discussions these days about the future of the seminary model of training pastors. Here William Evans offers some thoughts on an article posted last week at The Gospel Coalition. This is a discussion worth having!
The Digital Gender Divide – “In a report released this morning, Nielsen found that women, overall, are significantly more likely to engage with social media than men.” There are some interesting implications to this, some of what are brought out in the article.
As for beauty, one of its most potent charms lies in its modest unconsciousness; it is greatly marred when accompanied by vanity.
—C.H. Spurgeon