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A La Carte (4/3)

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Is Easter too Violent for Kids? – “Every year, around this time, parents and churches ponder how to communicate the Easter story to children, as something more than dyed eggs. The problem is, of course, that it’s impossible to talk about the resurrection of Jesus without talking about death. And, in the case of Jesus, it’s really hard to talk about death without talking about crucifixion.”

Pinterest – Pinterest is the latest social media phenomenon. I waited a long time before joining in, but can’t deny that I’m quite enjoying the experience. I’m collecting infographics, wallpapers, art and other things that may be of interest to Christians.

On Being a Black, Female, Christian – Trillia Newbell offers up some interesting reflections on what it means to be a black, Christian female in a predominantly white church.

Nature’s Best Photography – There are some outstanding photos here; the one you’ll see when you click is just stunning. Scroll down and you’ll find some more.

Themelios – If you’re feeling scholarly today, you may want to check out the latest edition of Themelios.

An Athlete and His Money – Ever wondered why it is that an athlete can make millions in his career and be bankrupt as soon as he stops playing? GQ explains. (The link is safe and clean but you don’t necessariliy want to go rooting around the GQ site.)

If the Holy Spirit guides us at all, he will do it according to the Scriptures, and never contrary to them.

—George Muller

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