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A La Carte (4/29)

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Tuesday April 29, 2008

Porn in Public Libraries
Carolyn McCulley comments on the growing phenomenon of people using public computers to browse pornography.

Everyone Must Be a Theologian
Over at the Ligonier blog we’re providing (in regular installments) the complete text of John Gerstner’s book “Theology for Everyman.” The first chapter says that every person is called to be a theologian.

Screwtape Gives Devil His Due
The Washington Post gives a positive review to Max McLean’s production of “Screwtape” now playing in Washington, D.C.. “But the fiendish reality the production conjures is colorful enough to appeal to theatergoers of any, or no, religious persuasion. The Devil is an equal-opportunity entertainer.”

Theologian Trading Cards
Yes, you read the heading correctly. Here is the beginning of a collection of theologian trading cards, coming soon to online retailers (really!).

RSS Reader for Complete Noobs
Abraham Piper has a tutorial to guide you through getting setup with Google Reader (in case you’ve been itching to try out this RSS thing everyone’s talking about).

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