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A La Carte (4/28)

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Battery – Take this pitcher and this catcher, put them together and you’d have quite the battery.

More Spiritual Than Religious – USA Today looks at a new study and finds that most Millennials are more spiritual than religious. “If the trends continue, ‘the Millennial generation will see churches closing as quickly as GM dealerships,’ says Thom Rainer, president of LifeWay Christian Resources. In the group’s survey of 1,200 18- to 29-year-olds, 72% say they’re ‘really more spiritual than religious.’”

Page CXVI – Page CXVI has a new albums of hymns for you to download. You can also get their previous release for free.

Why Apple Needs To Loosen Up – Here’s a good perspective on Apple’s dominant control of every aspect of its hardware and software. And while we’re on the subject of Apple, here’s a good way of getting an iPad stand for less than a $1.

Is Faith Necessary? – Kevin DeYoung tries to suggest how he would have answered the question Larry King posed to Joel Osteen about whether people of other faiths are going to hell.

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