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A La Carte (4/26)

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Consistent Complementarianism – Merely being complementarian is not enough. Michael McKinley says “I see a lot of men who assert their headship in their home, but who do not take a consistent approach to the authorities set over them by God (or God himself).”

A Beautiful, Dirty Mind – Someone sent me this article, which talks about the man who may be the most intelligent person on the planet. Yet he is consumed with lust and envy and jealousy. Luke 12:48 comes to mind: To whom much is given, much will be required.

Slow Mastery – This is a simple article that lists ten examples of great achievements (granted they’re not all quite so great) that took time.

Doubting Darwin – Marvin Olasky: “The sky is falling! Many interest groups and journalists raced to tell that to the public when a modest but important bill became law in Tennessee early in April.”

Make that Digital Elephant Disappear – Nathan Bingham has some good things to say about ministries in a digital age. The heart of it is this simple statement: “Quality online resources often take a team of people with great skill, at great cost, with a great investment of time.”

That Idol Doesn’t Love You Back – It’s always true: the idol that you love doesn’t love you back.

It is right that our hearts should be on God, when the heart of God is so much on us.

—Richard Baxter

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