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A La Carte (4/24)

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Thursday April 24, 2008

Is Prince Caspian Really C.S. Lewis?
Devin Brown provides an answer in a recent article at Christianity Today.

OpenBible Labs
OpenBible Labs has some small but fascinating experiments with Bible data. The Bible Word Locator and Bible Book Browser are particularly interesting.

Dr. Mohler on The Shack
Dr. Mohler recently dedicated most of a radio program to the book “The Shack.” He goes so far as to say that it contains “undiluted heresy.” (HT)

Hannah Montana Strikes It Even Richer
“Miley Cyrus, 15-year-old teen star who attributes her family and Christian faith for keeping her grounded in her fast-pace lifestyle, will write about her life before becoming Hannah Montana in a book deal that was confirmed by the publisher for Disney on Tuesday.” She has signed a seven figure deal for this book.

Boeing’s Big Dream
Fortune has a fascinating photo essay about the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

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