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A La Carte (4/22)

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Bell’s Inferno – John MacArthur completes his series on Rob Bell. “The sad reality is that if Rob Bell does not confess the truth in this life, one day he will realize how wrong his understanding of hell really is. His view of hell will be painfully altered forever when he receives the more severe punishment reserved for those who with a Bible in their hands mock God and trample the blood of Christ underfoot.”

A Great Debt – You may have heard this story before. Regardless, it’s worth pondering again.

Christianity Explored – Christianity Explored has launched a new web site geared toward evangelism.

VIP Treatment – I believe I linked to this a while ago, but I enjoyed reading it again yesterday. It’s little stories like this that attest to the true character of a man.

Written in Stone – “The stone tablet has stood on this forested hillside since before they were born, but the villagers have faithfully obeyed the stark warning carved on its weathered face: ‘Do not build your homes below this point!’ Residents say this injunction from their ancestors kept their tiny village of 11 households safely out of reach of the deadly tsunami last month that wiped out hundreds of miles of Japanese coast and rose to record heights near here. The waves stopped just 300 feet below the stone.”

The Pacific – A reader sent me this excellent gallery of World War 2 photos.

TGC and Me – Darryl Hart posts a kind of crusty but still interesting take on The Gospel Coalition and theological boundaries.

Amazing Grace – This is a powerful rendition of “Amazing Grace.”

How do we get water from a well? Do we woo it? Do we stand at the top of the well and cry, ‘Here, water, water, water?’

—R.C. Sproul

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