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A La Carte (4/21)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Monday April 21, 2008

Together for the Diet Dew
I was scratching my head when asked to hold a bottle of Diet Mountain Dew and have my picture taken, but it all makes sense now.

The Federal Budget Crisis Explained
Andy Jackson shares some interesting facts about the federal budget crisis, both as it stands now and as it will unravel in years to come.

New from Iain Murray
Martin Downes highlights a forthcoming book from the pen of Iain Murray.

Run to See Expelled
Carolyn McCulley tells you to run, not walk, to see Ben Stein’s new movie “Expelled:” “it is not only a vote for a diversity of film topics, it is also a vote for the preservation of free speech and scientific inquiry.”

Ben Stein vs. Sputtering Atheists
Brent Bozell, writing for Townhall, would seem to agree with Carolyn. ” I went into the screening bored. I came out of it stunned.”

Let’s Surge Some More
Here’s an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal. “I have seen this war – and our part in it – at its brutal worst. And I say the transformation over the last 14 months is little short of miraculous.”

Rob Bell Makes Pat Angry…
…and he explains why with five good reasons.

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