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A La Carte (4/2)

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Wednesday April 2, 2008

Disposing of the Disabled
An article at the Christian Post discusses the rampant abortion of disabled infants. “Sadly, we have entered a period in our history when children who do not measure up to someone else’s subjective standard of perfection are consigned to the ash heap of history.”

One-to-One Ministry
Tony Payne of Matthias Media has an excellent article examining and promoting one-to-one ministry among Christians. “In many churches, however, effective, purposeful one-to-one ministry is either non-existent, or, at best, haphazard.”

Blue Like Jazz: The Movie
CT has an interview with Steve Taylor who will head up production of the upcoming Blue Like Jazz movie. “t’s about a 20-year-old from Houston who has basically grown up in church and is confused, disillusioned, and kind of at the place most college sophomores are. He decides to flee his upbringing and go to this school–Reed College–that he perceives as being the most opposite of where he’s grown up in his life.”

Marriage and the Glory of God
Al Mohler has a good article about marriage and its ultimate purpose. “Marriage is first and foremost about the glory of God. All of the manifold gifts of marriage are derived from that great fact.”

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