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A La Carte (4/16)

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A quick note for those who are Friends of the Blog. Today you can pick the first of your free items from Zondervan. Among your choices (you get to choose one of five) are the new DVD from Tim Keller (Gospel in Life) or the book and DVD from Max McLean Unleashing the Word. Head on over to Friends of the Blog and log in to make your picks. If you haven’t joined the program, well, today is as good a day as any!

T4G Video – I know a lot of people have been looking for video of the T4G talks. You can find those here.

Our Story – David and Carol Porter share a video testimony. It’s well worth watching.

Library of Congress and Twitter – “The U.S. Library of Congress, which archives many forms of media for their cultural and historical significance, has announced it will keep a digital archive of every public tweet that has been broadcast on Twitter since its inception in March 2006.”

Good Friday Music – Mars Hill has released a 5-song album of music from their Good Friday service.

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