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A La Carte (4/14)

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The Rape of the Song of Solomon
John MacArthur is beginning what looks to be an interesting series in which he will attempt to refute those teachers and preachers who “employ extremely graphic descriptions of physical intimacy as a way of expounding on the euphemisms in Solomon’s poem.” Says MacArthur, “In fact, Solomon’s love-poem epitomizes the exact opposite approach. It is, of course, a lengthy poem about courtship and marital love. It is filled with euphemisms and word pictures. Its whole point is gently, subtly, and elegantly to express the emotional and physical intimacy of marital love–in language suitable for any audience.” Some will regard this as anti-Driscollism; I regard it as a good and necessary discussion and look forward to MacArthur’s thoughts on it all.

Confessions of a Real Estate Agent
This article from Salon is an interesting look at the rise and fall of the real estate market. It is told through the eyes of one of the hundreds of thousands of agents who rode it up and back down. “It’s a terrible thing to come to terms with, but I am the reason the world is in an economic tailspin. Me, alone. All those foreclosures, short sales, bank failures, job losses, bailouts, plummeting stocks, the ripple effect into Europe, China, even Madoff: all my fault. Moi.”

Britain’s Worst Hour
This article describes the rapid decline of morals in England. And second and similar article says that Scotland is staring into the abyss of social collapse. It seems that England has need of a new Wilberforce.

New Eric Alexander Website
“Ronald Alexander, son of the Rev. Eric J. Alexander has constructed a website in honor of his father’s life and ministry. You will find a biography, sermons he preached at St. George’s Tron during his 20 year ministry , and links to other resources.”

Deal of the Day: The Complete Works of Beethoven
Had I $49.99 to spend today, I’d spend it on this: the complete works of Beethoven. Today only, 784 works on 87 CDs for $49.99. Though it has no reviews on Amazon, the Bach, Mozart and other collections in the series all have 4.5 or 5 star ratings. It sounds like an amazing deal to me!

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