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A La Carte (4/13)

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Doctrine IS Practical
A good word from John MacArthur: “Practical insights, gimmicks, and illustrations mean little if they’re not attached to divine principle. There’s no basis for godly behavior apart from the truth of God’s Word. Before the preacher asks anyone to perform a certain duty, he must first deal with doctrine. He must develop his message around theological themes and draw out the principles of the texts. Then the truth can be applied.”

Messy Marriages and a Gracious God
AFA Journal interviews Paul Tripp about marriage.

Recent Scenes from Afghanistan has a collection of interesting photos snapped recently in Afghanistan.

A Baby Gap of 32 Million
“A bias in favor of male offspring has left China with 32 million more boys under the age of 20 than girls, creating ‘an imminent generation of excess men,’ a study released Friday said.” Just begin to imagine the forthcoming sociological ramifications of such a fact…

Crisis Prep 101
Carolyn McCulley: “I’ve heard many wise pastors say that the time to prepare for a crisis is before it happens. When faced with a sobering diagnosis, the loss of a job, the rejection of an unbelieving friend, the criticism of a non-Christian culture — these are not the times you want to dig deep into your faith only to discover shallow roots.”

Facebook Fans Do Worse in Exams
“Facebook users may feel socially successful in cyberspace but they are more likely to perform poorly in exams, according to new research into the academic impact of the social networking website. The majority of students who use Facebook every day are underachieving by as much as an entire grade compared with those who shun the site.”

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    A La Carte (March 3)

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