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A La Carte (3/8)

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Brothers, We Are Not Figure Skaters – A good moment from Phil Johnson at last week’s Shepherds’ Conference.

C.H. Spurgeon: The People’s Preacher – A few days ago I watched this docu-drama on the life of Charles Spurgeon. It is quite well done and provides a solid, hour-long overview of the life of the Prince of Preachers. It’s a great item to add to your church library.

Hologram Preachers – It is sometimes difficult to know what is fact and what is fiction. “Holographic preachers are stirring another technology-gone-too-far debate among Christians. While the dust over beaming preachers on a video screen on multi-site campuses has somewhat settled, the new 3D tool is raising more questions and concerns among some believers.”

Climbing – This is an amazing photograph (or series of photographs stitched together).

The Decline of Vocational Evangelism – Trevin Wax asks why the number of vocational evangelists has declined, especially in the context of the SBC.

The Pastor’s Worst Day? – David Murray: “What’s the worst day of the week for pastors? Probably Monday. For the previous seven days we’ve poured ourselves into sermon preparation, pastoral visitation, counseling, evangelism, problem solving, prayer, etc. The Sunday climax (anti-climax?) has come and gone. We may have been discouraged by low attendances, limited or negative feedback, etc. Our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual reserves are in the red. Yet we have to climb the mountain all over again. Monday “blues” can very quickly become Monday ‘blacks.’ However, without ignoring the real difficulties, let us also remember the joys of pastoral ministry. Here are seven I try to keep before me, especially on Monday mornings.”

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