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A La Carte (3/5)

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Emily’s Story
“Juanita and Terry Stauffer of Edson, Alberta, whose teenaged daughter Emily was murdered a year and a half ago, were interviewed by a reporter from 100 Huntley Street, a Canadian Christian TV program. In these two videos, they share how God prepared them for their loss and continues to uphold them day by day.” (Last year I interviewed Terry)

Uncool People Need Jesus Too
Bill Streger pens a thought-provoking article. “Through my work with the Acts 29 Network, I get the privilege of assessing a number of potential church planters each year. I also get to hear about dozens more from fellow pastors as well. When I guy comes in to get assessed, by the time he gets to the interview stage he’s already submitted a lot of paperwork. Resumes. Plans. Budgets. Demographic Analysis. Dental history. (Ok, just kidding on the last one). And as I’ve looked at some amazing plans from church planters, I’ve started to notice a trend. They all sound the same.”

Ali gives a glimpse of life on a hospital ship.”Among the things that slipped through the cracks from the admissions process was a pregnancy test on the little fourteen year-old girl in Bed Seventeen. Since everyone was pitching in and helping out, her nurse sent off the sample to the lab this morning, expecting to be able to call the OR and get her scheduled for surgery to straighten her leg when the results came back.”

A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries
Check out this gallery of beautiful libraries. “Everyone has some kind of place that makes them feel transported to a magical realm. For some people it’s castles with their noble history and crumbling towers. For others it’s abandoned factories, ivy choked, a sense of foreboding around every corner. For us here at Curious Expeditions, there has always been something about libraries. Row after row, shelf after shelf, there is nothing more magical than a beautiful old library.”

Busy Moms and the Bible
In this excerpt from Simplify Your Spiritual Life: Spiritual Disciplines for the Overwhelmed Donald Whitney gives sound advice for busy moms. (HT:Josh Harris)

Free Will
Here’s your morning chuckle.

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