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A La Carte (3/28)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Theologians I’ve Been Shaped By – “On a whim last week I stopped to try and think about who, out of the various books, pastors, and theologians I’ve been shaped by, has most shaped me theologically. I started rifling through the names–Calvin, Vanhoozer, Horton, Wright, Barth, Newbigin, Kreeft, Lewis, Kierkegaard–and came up with a surprising answer: my mother, Arliett.”

The Influence of Dr. Albert Mohler – Mike Leake: “I, for one, am grateful that the deeply held biblical convictions of Albert Mohler will survive into generations to come. I also pray that the Lord continues to work in the life of Dr. Mohler and Southern Seminary, for the truth, for the church, for the world, and for the glory of God.”

Why the Arguments Are Persuasive – “I don’t think the arguments or gay marriage are biblically faithfully, logically persuasive, or good for human flourishing in the long run, but they are almost impossible to overcome with most Americans, especially in younger generations.” Kevin DeYoung explains.

Bright Young Things – “No one should be surprised that Victoria’s Secret is now targeting ‘tweens’ with their new Bright Young Things line. In our market culture, it no longer feels all that wrong for our preteens to don underwear (yes, I use that antiquated term intentionally) that draws attention to their private parts (that ancient phrase is intentional, too) with exaggerated cuts and printed suggestions. Columbus, Ohio, takes a step closer to Bangkok, Thailand. We’re just more understated about it all.”

Yahoo and the Church – David Murray looks at what Yahoo can teach the church.

Stop Reacting to Robots – If you chew the meat and spit out the bones there are some interesting takeaways in this article.

The less we read the Word of God, the less we desire to read it, and the less we pray, the less we desire to pray.

—George Mueller

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