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A La Carte (3/27)

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The Village of Kpaha – I loved reading this post from the mission field: “I would like to take you on a little tour of the village where we are going to start that church in less than two weeks. It is among the largest unreached people group in Togo, the Lamba. The village is called Kpaha and it is another ten kilometers down dirt roads after traveling about thirty-five kilometers north of our house.”

The Silver Lining – There is lots of doom and gloom in the publishing industry, but Andy Le Peau has found at least a bit of a silver lining.

Who Disqualifies Whom? – Josiah Grauman takes on a tricky text. “What does a pastor tell his children (or wife) concerning the reality that their conduct has a direct bearing on his livelihood? Obviously it is a conversation that will probably happen, but I propose that it is a mistake to tell your family that if they misbehave, the man of the house might end up on unemployment.”

The Charge of Inconsistency – I think I linked to this article from Tim Keller last year, but I saw it floating around the blogs yesterday and thought it was worth another read. “What I hear most often is ‘Christians ignore lots of Old Testament texts—about not eating raw meat or pork or shellfish, not executing people for breaking the Sabbath, not wearing garments woven with two kinds of material and so on. Then they condemn homosexuality. Aren’t you just picking and choosing what they want to believe from the Bible’?”

Death In His Grave – I love this song.

Heaven will pay for any loss we may suffer to gain it; but nothing can pay for the loss of heaven.

—Richard Baxter

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