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A La Carte (3/27)

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Britain’s Got Talent – I’m never sure if people are clapping for the performers or just because they know they’ve found the next big story, but this is still fun.

Mohler and Carter – Al Mohler: “Today’s Thinking in Public program features my interview with former President Jimmy Carter. The conversation was remarkable, and I was honored to have this interview with the 39th President of the United States. The focus of the interview was on the Bible, a book that has framed President Carter’s life from his earliest memories. Even now, he remains the world’s most famous Sunday School teacher.”

Geraldo and the Hoodies – Thomas Sowell comments on the Trayvon Martin case, saying “Practical advice, not race baiting, shows real concern for minority youth.” He urges caution and warns against jumping to conclusions because “playing with racial polarization is playing with fire.”

The End of the World – This infographic provides a pragmatic argument for not predicting the end of the world.

Psalm 119 – I really enjoyed this way of displaying Psalm 119; it’s very helpful to see it laid out that way.

Next 2012 – This year’s Next conference, the last Next, features a great list of speakers. If you’re in the right demographic, you may want to consider going.

The Christian ministry exists for the promotion of holiness.

—Donald MacLeod

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