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A La Carte (3/27)

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Thursday March 27, 2008

Band of Bloggers Registration
Band of Bloggers registration closes in just one week. If you are a blogger and are going to be at Together for the Gospel…it’s time to register!

Is Belief a Natural Phenomenon?
Dr. Mohler writes about a new effort called “Explaining Religion” that will attempt to prove that belief is purely natural.

Mohler Clear of Cancer
Speaking of Mohler, he just received the good news that a tumor removed during recent surgery is not cancerous. Praise God!

Huffington Post on Shane Claiborne
The Huffington Post recently had an article about Shane Claiborne and his new book “Jesus for President.”

Greek N.T. Manuscripts in Albania
Daniel Wallace has the rather fascinating tale of discovering and photographing a large series of New Testament manuscripts in Albania.

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