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A La Carte (3/26)

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Wednesday March 26, 2008

My Book at Crosswalk
Crosswalk is currently featuring a chapter of my book at their site in case you’ve been interested in giving it a “trial run.”

R.C. Sproul and Ben Stein
Ligonier has posted video of R.C. Sproul interviewing Ben Stein about his new film dealing with Intelligent Design.

Monergism Books Free Gift
My friends at Monergism Books are offering a selection of free gifts with purchases this month (and decent gifts, at that).

Free Scripture Song
The Altrogges have posted another song to help you with Scripture memorization.

The Way of Wisdom
Alex Jordan, beginning with my review of John Eldredge’s book, has posted a good and concise overview of the “way of wisdom” approach to knowing and doing God’s will.

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