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A La Carte (3/22)

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Time Blocking – An article at Fast Company talks about the importance of time blocking. “Being available to your boss and co-workers is part of your job. But the most creative and important work you do requires total focus and attention for an extended period of time. Your brain needs at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted time to dive in, concentrate on one thing, and get into the zone where you’re truly focused and doing your best work. Time blocking is a technique that sets the stage for that to happen.” (HT:Matt)

Harper Gets His Beer – A follow-up to one of the more amusing episodes to occur during the Olympics. “U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Jacobson delivered on Friday morning a case of Molson Canadian to Harper at 24 Sussex Drive–making good on Obama’s losing bet that the American men’s hockey team would win gold at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver.”

Beep – “The beep is an ingenious creation. Like the railroad toot but unlike an old telephone ring, beeps have both a distinct start and finish, marked by the twin plosives “b” and “p,” and an elastic center that can generously expand and contract like an accordion: beeeeeeeep. You can create Morse code in beeps. Beeeep beep beep beep. Beep. Beep. Beep beeeep beeeep beep.”

Christians in a Tolerant Age – Dr. Mohler writes about an important upcoming case before the courts. “Like most colleges and universities around the nation, the University of California Hastings College of Law recognizes certain student organizations within the life of the school. Until recently, the Christian Legal Society had been one of those groups. But, controversy arose about five years ago, when leaders of the CLS chapter at Hastings asserted the national policy of the organization, which states: ‘In view of the clear dictates of Scripture, unrepentant participation in and advocacy of a sexually immoral lifestyle is inconsistent with an affirmation of the Statement of Faith.’”

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