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A La Carte (3/21)

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7 Traits of False Teachers – “False prophets were a constant problem in the Old Testament, and those who falsely claimed to be prophets of God were to be stoned. The people rarely had the will to deal with them, so they multiplied, causing disaster to the spiritual life of God’s people.” Of course false teachers live on in the New Testament. Here are 7 traits to watch for.

The Antidote to Materialism – “What is the antidote to materialism? Generosity. Easily sharing the things we have, and giving money and possessions away reminds us that they are temporal and God-given. It helps us hold them loosely and treasure Christ more than riches.”

The Christian Fantasy – I’m not much of a fan of the fantasy genre, but I really enjoyed Lars Walker’s take on fantasy in general, and Christian fantasy in particular.

What Facebook Knows – Facebook knew that this man was gay before he ever came out. The moral of his story is that Facebook and Google and other companies collect vast amounts of information about us and that they are getting better at using that information to figure out who we are and what we do.

My Spouse Doesn’t Meet My Needs – Mark Altrogge offers a list of realistic expectations for a spouse: “That my spouse will fail in many ways. That my spouse will not fulfill my desires. That my spouse will not always try to please me.” He goes on from there.

Whenever you preach, be sure that you lift the Savior high and lay the sinner low.

—John Wilmot

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