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A La Carte (3/20)

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Can Britain Tolerate Christians? – “In this morass of rights claims and counterclaims, British Christians may be forgiven for seeing a larger assault on their values and traditions. Yet lost in the country’s increasingly awkward debates over religious versus sexual freedoms, and the competing sensibilities of this or that protected group, is an even more puzzling discrepancy over when any private business is allowed to set potentially discriminatory standards.”

Eating the Apple – Carl Trueman offers some really good thoughts on Apple and our gadget obsession. “The fascinating thing about Apple is, of course, the company’s ability to pull off the same con-trick time after time. We all know that capitalism requires the constant creation and recreation of markets.”

The Mistakes of Phillip Jensen – The Briefing has quite an interesting interview with Phillip Jensen, one that narrows in on the mistakes he has made in ministry. There are some good words there about regret.

36 Purposes of God in Suffering – Paul Tautges looks at God’s purposes in suffering and comes up with a list of at least 36 of them.

Marriage Is for Losers – I enjoyed this article, sent to me by a reader of the site. “You can be right, or you can be married; take your pick. I can’t remember who told me that, but I do remember that they were only half-joking. The other half, the serious half, is exceedingly important. This is why.”

Mohler and Carson – Dr. Mohler interviews D.A. Carson on The Intolerance of Tolerance.

God dwells in eternity but time dwells in God. He has already lived all our tomorrows as He has lived all our yesterdays.

—A.W. Tozer

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