Why the Time Magazine Trumpeting of New Calvinism Is a Bad Thing
Thabiti Anyabwile offers seven quick but good reasons on why we should react carefully to this article.
Driscoll’s New Calvinism
Paul Grimmond, writing for The Sola Panel, offers some interesting thoughts on Mark Driscoll’s comments about the new versus the old Calvinism.
Band of Bloggers Book Giveaways
Timmy Brister has organized another Band of Bloggers event to be held at this year’s Gospel Coalition Conference. He just provided a list of the free books that will be given away. Looks like it will be worth coming just for the books!
Canada’s Science Minister is a Creationist
And so, of course, there is plenty of outrage. “Jim Turk, executive director of the Canadian Association of University Teachers, said he was flabbergasted that the minister would invoke his religion when asked about evolution.”
What I Can and Cannot Live With as a Minister
Mark Dever has put together a list of “What I CAN and CANNOT Live With as a Pastor.” “Let me throw out a bunch of different examples that are relevant to my particular situation: organs, female elders, universalism, altar calls, humor, multi-site campuses, drums, the KJV, stained glass, racism, infant baptism, no formal membership, sermons limited to 10 minutes, large and high pulpits, TV studio-like acoustics. My goal in what follows is not to give you a sacrosanct playbook, but to illustrate how I go about thinking through practical matters.”