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A La Carte (3/15)

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An Encouraging Word – Andy Naselli dug up some encouraging words for young mothers. “Martyn Lloyd-Jones once spoke with a group of medical students who complained that in the midst of their training and the ferocious work hours they really didn’t even have time to read the Bible and have their devotions and so on.” You’ll need to keep reading to get to the part for mothers.

Consider Yourself – On Wednesday I shared an article about polemics. This article from Burk Parsons would have been a good fit with it. “Controversy is the plight of sinners in a fallen world, who were originally created by God to know the truth, love the truth, and proclaim the truth. We cannot escape controversy this side of heaven, nor should we seek to.”

Josh Garrels – Josh Garrels has put all his music for free on NoiseTrade. You won’t regret downloading Love & War & The Sea In Between.

Monergism Books Sale – Monergism Books is moving and clearing out their stock. You can find details at the link.

Rob Bell’s New Book – David Steele has quite a good review of Rob Bell’s new book What We Talk About When We Talk About God. While on the subject of book reviews, the Washington Post has a very interesting review of McGrath’s new biography of C.S. Lewis.

Wide Web World – This is quite an interesting video made entirely of Nokia 3D maps. It’s essentially a flyover of some of the world’s great cities (including Toronto).

It is very rare for the spirituality of a group of Christians to exceed that of its leaders.

—John Benton

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