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A La Carte (3/15)

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I decided I wouldn’t watch Rob Bell’s big interview last night. Then I decided I would. But shortly after I logged in my Internet service choked so I only watched about 2 minutes. I think it worked out well.

Tsunami – This is an amazing and shocking video of the tsunami. Carolyn McCulley offers comment on it. The Big Picture has another horrifying round-up of photographs. And here’s Earthquakes 101 from National Geographic.

Simple Explanation – Speaking of all that has happened in Japan, this web site offers a measured look at what is going on with the nuclear reactors. From today’s update: “We have damage that probably could have been avoided, and reporting of almost stunning inaccuracy and ignorance. Still, the odds are that no one will be hurt from radioactivity — a few workers from falling or in the hydrogen explosions, but tiny on the scale of the damage and killing around it.” This article from the Nuclear Energy Institute is worth reading.

Made-Up Words – Mounce writes about how we can have confidence in knowing what the Bible’s made-up words mean.

Cleaning Toilets – I enjoyed this article by Brian Croft. I’m new to pastoral ministry, but already I’m surprised at how much it involves doing things just like this.

Rid of My Disgrace – Aaron Armstrong has a review of Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault. He says “Authors Justin and Lindsey Holcomb provide a compelling, thoughtful and hopeful answer…as they apply the gospel to this horrendous crime.”

Christian Web Conference – I greatly enjoyed last year’s Christian Web Conference. You may be interested in checking out this year’s version.

Of all bad men religious bad men are the worst.

—C.S. Lewis

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