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A La Carte (3/14)

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The Next Bible – “Scripture? There’s an app for that. In his first column for The Daily Beast, Obama’s former faith adviser talks to the tech-savvy entrepreneur bringing the gospel to a new generation of Christians.”

Cross – Cross is a new conference targeted at teens and twenties. Thabiti introduces it.

The NT’s Favorite OT Stories – “The last time I read through the New Testament, I decided it might be fruitful and interesting to keep track of all of the occurrences where the author made reference to narratives in the Old Testament. And since this week’s fighter passage makes reference to the Great Cloud of Witnesses, I thought it would be an appropriate time to post the list.”

Transform Quebec – Is your church interested in helping to plant new churches in unreached areas? “Transform Quebec is a vision to catalyze church planting in the province of Quebec in order to reach a maximum of Quebecers with the transforming message of the Gospel.”

Major Causes of Death – Here is a visualization of the major causes of death in the 20th century. Of course they left out abortion…

It does not take a big man to push over a straw man—little men are up to this simple task.

—Robert R. Booth

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