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A La Carte (3/14)

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When I was in the US I made my first ever visit to a 5 Guys burger joint. I assume they call it “5 Guys” because they give you enough food to feed 5. Either way, they are beginning to expand into Canada and have just opened 3 restaurants in this area. If I was a betting man I’d say they’ll be gone within a year. Decent food, but not the kind Canadians are going to line up for. You heard it here first.

Not Many of You Should be Bloggers – John Dyer: “I’m not attempting to defend mean-spirited, polemical debate. I’m just saying that it’s old news. The debates are still important, but what is even more important is how social media has changed the way those debates take place among everyday Christians.”

God Is Still Holy – Kevin DeYoung has posted a long (20-page) review of Rob Bell’s Love Wins. Denny Burk has posted a long but not quite as long (11-page) review. Both are available to read online or to download in PDF format. Mark Driscoll has posted an article excerpting one of his books where he discusses the doctrine of hell. Carl Trueman looks at the situation and is an accidental optimist.

Metaxas on Bonhoeffer – In this interview, Eric Metaxas responds to criticism about his portrayal of Deitrich Bonheoffer. As you remember, several Bonhoeffer scholars have said that he has created an evangelical-friendly version of his subject. Metaxas disagrees.

25 Ways to Pursue Joy in Christ – Mark Altrogge offers them up.

The Big Picture – has put together a gallery of photos from Japan. The devastation there is simply unimaginable.

Power – This video shows some of the power of the tsunami that hit the coast of Japan.

Too many church members are starched and ironed but not washed.

—Vance Havner

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