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A La Carte (3/11)

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Internet Usage Statistics – So I guess this internet thing isn’t going anywhere. I’ve got a weakness for infographics and enjoyed the content contained in this one. Did you know that 20 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute?

Gendercide – Dr. Mohler writes about gendercide. “The reality has been known for years now, though the Western media have generally resisted any direct coverage of the horror. That changed this week when The Economist published its stunning cover story — ‘Gendercide — What Happened to 100 Million Baby Girls?’ In many nations of the world, there is an all-out war on baby girls. In 1990, economist Amartya Sen estimated that 100 million baby girls were missing — sacrificed by parents who desired a son. Two decades later, multiple millions of missing baby girls must be added to that total, victims of abortion, infanticide, or fatal neglect.”

Family Tragedies and Internet Sensations – Here’s another strange new reality we have to face in this digital world: “It seems an ever-more common scenario: a death is captured in a photograph or video. The images are uploaded onto the Web. Within days, thousands, if not millions, of strangers have pierced their way into a family’s grief—gawking at the final moments of a life that were never meant to be public.”

I Don’t Want My Children to Be HappyMissy, who blogs at It’s Almost Naptime, doesn’t want her children to be happy. She’s writes a thought-provoking article that is well worth the read.

When the Bubble Burst – FST takes a trip to the internet graveyard and remembers the day the dot com bubble burst. It’s hard to believe that that was already ten years ago.

What’s Next for Facebook? – There are lots of indicators that Facebook is about to announce their next initiative as they seek to grow their online dominance. Information is still scarce, but it seems that Facebook wants to grow beyond simply and become a powerhouse all over the net.

MLBTradeRumors – My one indispensible baseball site just got a great overhaul. I know you are as excited as I am that baseball season is about to begin again.

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