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A La Carte (3/11)

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11 Reasons to Celebrate in March
…because sometimes you just need to celebrate something while waiting for the warm weather to arrive.

Amazing Grace
I don’t know anything about this group (except that I’ve heard Simon Cowell’s name attached to them), but they sing quite a nice version of “Amazing Grace” in this video.

Fair Comment
An article at the Economist looks at the importance of reviews in online sales. I found this interesting: “His company’s research shows that visitors are more reluctant to buy until a product attracts a reasonable number of reviews and picks up momentum.” People often refuse to buy a product until it has a certain number of reviews; this somehow gives that product a kind of authenticity.

Deal of the Day: Calvin’s Commentaries
Solid Ground Books is offering the 500th Anniversary Calvin’s Commentaries Set with Matching Set of Calvin’s Institutes for just $119.95.

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