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A La Carte (2/9)

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Women to Pass Men in the Job Force
With the recession on the brink of becoming the longest in the postwar era, a milestone may be at hand: Women are poised to surpass men on the nation’s payrolls, taking the majority for the first time in American history.

Evolution at Wikipedia
Here’s an interesting little graphic that shows how the Wikipedia entry for Evolution has been changed over the years.

The Kindle 2
Amazon is set to unveil the next generation of its Kindle e-reader device. It looks like they’ve improved what needed to be improved. PC World has an early look at it.

50 De-Stimulating Facts
Nation Review offers 50 of the most outrageous items in the stimulus package set to make its way through the Senate this week. A few examples: $650 million for digital-TV coupons; $600 million for NOAA (carve-out for “climate modeling”); $600 million to convert the federal auto fleet to hybrids; $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects.

Cell Phones and the Gospel
Russell Moore gives some good thoughts on cell phone usage among young people. “Text-messaging is easy, and can easily break the boredom of a classroom or a family dinner, and it can put one in touch with people one’s parents never know one is “talking” to. That’s easily enough remedied by Christ-following parents, but I wonder if the cellphone isn’t being used as just one more opportunity to preach a misleading gospel to our kids.”

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