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A La Carte (2/8)

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I’m at the church office today and am looking at an old book I found hanging around here. It’s titled Thrills and Chills of a Locomotive Engineer. The back of the book says, “Each day, while running the big powerful engines, I saw new ways in which the rules and principles of railroading paralleled those of living the Christian life.” Huh.

The Size and Scale of Earth – I posted something like this once before, but I think this one does an even better job of showing the size and scope of our world. Things like this compel me to worship.

How Does Worship Transform Us? – Mark Driscoll says that true worship demands that you must smash your idol, not modify your behavior.

Forgeries – Bestselling author Bart Ehrman is ramping up his accusations against the Bible, now claiming not just that the Bible is full of errors, but that many of the New Testament books were written as deliberate forgeries.

Fighter Verses for your iPhone – Children Desiring God has made an iPhone app available that helps you memorize weekly Fighter Verses.

Politics and Catholicism – Denny Burk pointed out that Michael Gerson has a thoughtful column in The Washington Post about Roman Catholicism’s impact on American politics.

Mila’s Daydreams – A friend sent this along. What a cool idea.

Boasting is an evidence that we are pleased with self; belittling, that we are disappointed in it. Either way, we reveal that we have a high opinion of ourselves.

—A.W. Tozer

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