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A La Carte (2/3)

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Ten Questions to Benefit from a Conference
Don Whitney gives a list of ten questions you should ask yourself after a conference or special event. “Having invested hours or days of my life in this way, I want to know that it’s been time well spent. To better ensure good stewardship of the opportunity, I have developed these ten questions.”

How to Exasperate your Children
This sounds like a profitable sermon from Irish Calvinist (and it fits well with Proverbs 15 which I just happened to read this morning).

Hospitality Tips
Lydia Brownback: “My friend Susie Cassel is the personification of hospitality. She opens her home to friend and stranger alike, and she is always prepared for drop-by guests. One-on-one or large groups–Susie hostesses all with grace and love.” Susie offers four hospitality habits.

Great Damage: The Gift of Discernment
James MacDonald: “I have been a pastor for more than 25 years and I have heard some pretty harsh things; but the deepest wounding by far has been at the hands of people using the gift of discernment in the flesh. Most often, these are the folks that separate friends, divide churches and destroy families.”

Calvin for the 21st Century
This conference at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has an excellent lineup of speakers. Registration opened just yesterday.

ESV Online for Free
“Crossway, publisher of the #1 bestselling ESV Study Bible, announced today that it will make the highly acclaimed ESV Online Study Bible available free online to anyone, anywhere, for a limited time beginning today, March 2, 2009.”

I Hope President Obama Is Right on the Economy
I think this is a good corrective from John Mark Reynolds. “It is bad politics, bad form, bad character, and bad patriotism to want the President’s economic policies to fail. Don’t get me wrong. I believe the Congressional and Presidential plan will fail and is already making the situation worse. I just wish it weren’t so.”

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