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A La Carte (2/27)

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Support or Censure for Embracing Motherhood
WNBA star Candace Parker recently announced her pregnancy. The news was greeted with a great deal of anger and disappointment. This article explains why this is.

Honk If You’re Paying My Mortgage
Here’s a bumper sticker worth owning!

A Model of Biblical Proportions
A retired farmer has spent more than 30 years building an enormous scale model of Herod’s temple – and it is still not finished. The picture gallery is amazing.

Meet Ligon Duncan
C.J. Mahaney continues his interview series by talking to Ligon Duncan.

Great Deals on Great Books
This pastor is selling off a large part of his library on eBay. There are some great deals on books and commentaries.

Five Reasons You Need to Study Theology
“There are many reasons why Christian’s need to study theology. In no particular order here are five reasons you need to study theology, and hopefully some of these you won’t have considered before.”

Jay Adams on Turning 80
Did you know Jay Adams has a blog? This article, reflecting on turning 80, is worth the read. He offers this advice: “Prepare for old age. True, you may never make it; there are former students of mine who have died already. If you don’t have some activity that you can engage in for the Lord, you will probably end up a sour and regretful old person.”

Deal of the Day: What is Reformed Theology?
A gift of any amount to Renewing Your Mind (think R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries) will get you a copy of the DVD “What is Reformed Theology?”

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