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A La Carte (2/26)

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C. Everett Koop – Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop went to be with the Lord yesterday. Justin Taylor has a short account of his life.

You’ll Cry – Just go ahead and try not to cry when you watch this video.

Manufactured Crisis – “Even during this desultory economic recovery, one industry thrives — the manufacture of synthetic hysteria. It is, however, inaccurate to accuse the Hysteric in Chief of crying ‘Wolf!’ about spending cuts under the sequester. He is actually crying ‘Hamster!’”

How Sweet the Name – “Derek Prime, a now retired pastor, testifies in this powerful short video of the things God is still teaching him at 82 years of age.”

Fiery Looping Rain – This is an amazing video from the sun.

Unholiness in a preacher’s life will either stop his mouth from reproving, or the people’s ears from receiving.

—William Gurnall

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