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A La Carte (2/25)

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An Approach to Family Devotions
Z gives a roundup of Mark Driscoll’s approach to family devotions. I’m always interested in seeing how other people manage this time of family worship.

Every Student an A Student
Owen Strachan has a couple of interesting articles on the phenomenon of grade inflation and the kind of mindset that goes with it.

The Kind of Men God Used
From Ray Ortlund: “Horatius Bonar, writing the preface to John Gillies’ Accounts of Revival, proposes that men useful to the Holy Spirit for revival have been marked in these nine ways…”

Dead Sea Scrolls in Toronto
My fellow Torontonians may be interested in knowing that a selection of the Dead Sea Scrolls are coming to the Royal Ontario Museum beginning in June of this year. “They include portions of the books of Genesis, Deuteronomy and Psalms. In addition, there will be a fragment of the Ten Commandments on display for a limited time.”

Begg on the Beatles
“Discover the extent of Alistair Begg’s Beatles knowledge, as well as the nature of his true accent.”

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