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A La Carte (2/24)

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7 Marks of Humility – God’s leadership principles are the complete opposite of man’s. Paul Tautges goes to Philippians and shows that in God’s economy the way up is down.

The Best Chess Player in the World – Here’s an interesting profile of the world’s best chess player. The money quote: “I enjoy it when I see my opponent suffering.” Don’t we all?

A Lentendud – This is the time of year that those of us who don’t mark Lent feel really superior about ourselves (or the opposite, depending on your context). Douglas Wilson writes about Lent, those who celebrate it, and what they need to be aware of.

$3.5 Million in the Attic – “When Michael Rorrer found 345 comic books neatly stacked in a basement closet as he cleaned out his great-aunt’s Virginia home after her death, he thought they were cool but didn’t think much about their value.” But that wouldn’t make the news, so there must be more to the story…

Dating Tebow – I love stories like this one.

Tax Dollars – It’s always a bit depressing to know where all your tax dollars go. This infographic displays it nicely. And speaking of infographics, here’s one that looks at e-reading and e-readers.

Take a saint, and put him into any condition, and he knows how to rejoice in the Lord.

—Walter Cradock

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