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A La Carte (2/23)

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Visual Theology – If you are interested in purchasing some of those Visual Theology infographics/posters, you can get 20% off your order by using the code JUMP20.

Google Glasses – What is this world coming to? “People who constantly reach into a pocket to check a smartphone for bits of information will soon have another option: a pair of Google-made glasses that will be able to stream information to the wearer’s eyeballs in real time.” This is even worse: connected cars.

Books on Prayer – Andrew Case’s books on prayer are all available for free in ebook formats. There are three: one for husbands, one for wives, and one for children. Each one focuses on praying Scripture while interceding for the one(s) you love.

The Apostles – The current issue of National Geographic has a major story about the Apostles. Unfortunately (and, I suppose, not surprisingly) it’s a bit of a mess of mysticism, speculation and poor theology. “They were unlikely leaders. As the Bible tells it, most knew more about mending nets than winning converts when Jesus said he would make them ‘fishers of men.’ Yet 2,000 years later, all over the world, the Apostles are still drawing people in.”

Real Books – Kevin DeYoung hopes that real books will never die. But they probably will anyway. Still, I pretty much agree with most of what he writes.

Conversation with Bezos – Amazon’s publishing model: “All along the way he’s stayed with his strategy of losing money to achieve that domination. His latest effort in this regard is well-known in publishing and was nicely summarized in a recent Bloomberg Businessweek piece. Bezos is going head to head with publishers–offering huge advances to authors and promising astronomical royalty rates that no publisher can maintain.”

Grace for Today – “I’m also learning that God gives grace for today. Period. I will meet troubles today and God will give me grace for those troubles. He does not give me grace today for troubles that will come tomorrow. God doesn’t give me grace for imaginary troubles, he gives me grace for real troubles.”

Philosophy and religion may reform, but only the Bible can transform.

—Brian Edwards

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