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A La Carte (2/21)

A La Carte Collection cover image

The Pilgrim’s Progress – Christian Audio is offering an exclusive offer to the readers of this site. If you’d like to get the audiobook of The Pilgrim’s Progress, you can have it for just $4.98. Just click the link and enter the code Challiesrtc. Why don’t you grab it and then listen to it with me

Seinfeld’s Secret – Here’s an interesting success sorry based on following Jerry Seinfeld’s productivity secret. “The concept is simple: spend some amount of time doing a desired activity every day and, when you do, cross off that day on a calendar. This creates a chain of Xs showing your progress. If you don’t do your specified task on one day, you don’t get an X and that chain is broken. It seems almost too simple to work, but it’s allowed me to accomplish so much more than I ever thought possible.”

Scripture Memory Resources – This blog has a helpful roundup of resources for helping you memorize Scripture.

Sex-Changes for Kids – I don’t even know what to say. “A small but growing number of teens and even younger children who think they were born the wrong sex are getting support from parents and from doctors who give them sex-changing treatments, according to reports in the medical journal Pediatrics.”

Top 25 J.C. Ryle Quotes – “We are quickly approaching 500,000 views here on the J.C. Ryle Quotes site. So, from the over 800 quotes which have been placed on this site every Monday-Friday since August 1st, 2009, I thought I would provide the TOP 25 J.C. Ryle Quotes for your reading pleasure.”

The Cult of Prime – “There are two types of people in the world: those with Amazon Prime and those without. How you think about consumption, commerce and your personal time is radically different depending on if you’ve join the cult — yet. “

Time Tables of an Affair – Brad Hambrick has a really helpful article that looks at two different time tables for an affair.

The way you lose the gospel is not by denying it, but by assuming it.

—D.A. Carson

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